Can a stock be relisted after delisting?

Asked by: Charlie Bosco  |  Last update: March 7, 2025
Score: 4.5/5 (36 votes)

Yes, a delisted stock can be re-listed on a major exchange like the NYSE or Nasdaq if the company subsequently meets all of the exchange's listing requirements. This typically involves getting the stock price above the minimum threshold, meeting financial benchmarks, and filing up-to-date financial reports.

Do delisted stocks ever get relisted?

Well, yes. A delisted stock can be relisted only if SEBI permits it. The market regulator lays out different guidelines for relisting such shares. Relisting of voluntarily delisted stocks: Such shares will have to wait five years from their delisting date to get relisted again.

Is a delisted stock worthless?

You don't automatically lose money as an investor, but being delisted carries a stigma and is generally a sign that a company is bankrupt, near-bankrupt, or can't meet the exchange's minimum financial requirements for other reasons. Delisting also tends to prompt institutional investors to not continue to invest.

How do I recover delisted shares?

If someone misses applying for the delisting, they can tender the shares offline directly to the company, and the company will buy them back. Shareholders will have a one-year period from the date of unlisting to tender the shares to the company.

What happens if you own puts on a stock that gets delisted?

When a stock is delisted, options trading on that stock typically ceases. This means that options holders are no longer able to buy or sell their options on the open market. However, they still have the right to exercise their options if they choose to do so.


30 related questions found

Can a stock come back after delisting?

Yes, a delisted stock can be re-listed on a major exchange like the NYSE or Nasdaq if the company subsequently meets all of the exchange's listing requirements. This typically involves getting the stock price above the minimum threshold, meeting financial benchmarks, and filing up-to-date financial reports.

Can delisted shares be listed again?

Shares can be relisted only if they fulfill the following guidelines laid down by the market regulator. Such shares will have to wait for 5 years after their delisting date to relist.

Do you lose all your money if a stock gets delisted?

The value of shares doesn't automatically rise or fall with a delisting, but when an involuntary listing takes place, it's often a sign that a company is approaching bankruptcy. In this case, there's a chance investors might lose their investment.

How do I sell a stock that has been delisted?

If you still hold shares after they are delisted, you can sell them—just not on the exchange on which they traded before. Stock exchanges are very advantageous for buying and selling shares. When they delist and trade over the counter (OTC), selling shares and getting a reasonable price for them becomes much harder.

Can I claim delisted shares?

So though the shares are not traded on the stock exchanges after delisting, they are still there in your demat account. So, delisting cannot amount to extinguishment of the shares or your rights in the shares.

Should you keep a delisted stock?

The Impact of Delisting on Investors

However, a delisted stock often experiences significant or total devaluation. Therefore, even though a stockholder may still technically own the stock, they will likely experience a significant reduction in ownership. In some cases, stockholders can lose everything.

How to get rid of a stock that no longer trades?

If the security cannot be sold in the market, it may be possible to dispose of the worthless security by gifting it to another person who can be related or unrelated to you. If you gift the worthless security to a family member, you will need to ensure that the person is not your spouse or minor child.

Where can I sell delisted shares?

When a stock is delisted, it can no longer be bought or sold on the exchange. However, it may still be possible to trade the shares over-the-counter (OTC) or through private transactions, depending on the circumstances.

Can a company be relisted if they are delisted?

A company whose shares have been delisted from an exchange, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, could potentially apply to get them relisted once again. However, the relisting process can be very challenging and may even require the company to meet all of the listing requirements once again.

What are the rules for delisting stocks?

Companies listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market must meet requirements for continued listing. If a company can't maintain the minimum requirements to remain listed, Nasdaq will delist it. Failure of a company to meet a minimum closing bid price of at least $1 for 30 consecutive trading days can trigger delisting.

Can I claim delisted stock as a loss?

If you own securities, including stocks, and they become totally worthless, you have a capital loss but not a deduction for bad debt. Worthless securities also include securities that you abandon.

What happens if a stock goes to zero?

When a stock's value falls to zero, or near zero, it typically signals that the company is bankrupt. The stocks are frozen and unless the company restructures, it's likely you will lose your investment.

Can I sell my delisted stock on Robinhood?

If a stock is untradeable on Robinhood, you won't be able to buy or sell shares of it.

Do delisted stocks ever come back?

The company may be given a period of time to come back into compliance with the exchange's rules, but if it doesn't, its stock will be delisted. Companies can apply for relisting once they meet the exchange's requirements.

What are the benefits of delisting?

One of the primary benefits of delisting is the significant reduction in compliance costs and the regulatory burden that accompanies being a publicly traded entity.

What happens if you own a stock that is delisted?

A delisting does not directly affect shareholders' rights or claims on the delisted company. It will, however, often depress the share price and make holdings harder to sell, even as thousands of securities trade over-the-counter. Nasdaq. "Initial Listing Guide: January 2023," Pages 6-14.

Is delisting shares good or bad?

Value of Shares: The value of delisted shares may drop, especially if the delisting is due to financial issues. This can result in significant losses for shareholders.

What happens when a stock is inactive?

An inactive stock is a security with a daily trading volume that is extremely low. Inactive stocks are typically traded in tiny lots of five or fewer shares. Inactive securities are moderately illiquid and could be challenging to sell during a recession.

How do I remove a delisted share?

Simple. Submit a Remat request and make the shares physical. Than they will be removed from the demat electronic form and sent to you from the registrar in physical paper form.