Can your credit card debt be written off?

Asked by: Brandon Robel I  |  Last update: March 11, 2025
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Should the challenges and missed payments continue longer term, the credit card debt could ultimately be written off, which is when a creditor considers it uncollectible and no longer counts it as an asset — typically after 180 days of non-payment. For cardholders, the situation can feel confusing.

Do credit card debt ever get written off?

If you stop paying on your credit card debt and become seriously delinquent, the credit card company will likely write off the debt and consider it uncollectible. At that point, the company takes your debt off its books.

How can I legally get rid of my credit card debt?

How to Wipe Out Credit Card Debt
  1. Debt Settlement. Debt settlement is a process that involves negotiating with creditors to pay less than the full amount you owe. ...
  2. Debt Management Plan (DMP) A debt management plan (DMP) is a special payment plan you can enroll in through a nonprofit credit counseling agency. ...
  3. Bankruptcy.

Can I ask my credit card company to write off my debt?

If your credit card debt has increased to the point where there's no realistic chance of you paying it off in full, or it'll take you an extremely long time to pay it off, then you may be eligible to have some or all of your debt written off through a debt solution.

Can you write off your credit card debt?

Reach a debt settlement

"In these cases, it may be possible to write off some of your debt to reduce the principal that you owe, but there are downsides to this as well." "You often have to go delinquent on your debt first in order to negotiate a settlement, which can hurt your credit score.

What Happens If You Never Pay Your Credit Card? (Explained)

33 related questions found

What happens after 7 years of not paying debt?

In general, most debt will fall off your credit report after seven years, but some types of debt can stay for up to 10 years or even indefinitely. Certain types of debt or derogatory marks, such as tax liens and paid medical debt collections, will not typically show up on your credit report.

Is there forgiveness for credit card debt?

While it's highly improbable that a credit card issuer would completely erase your debt outside of bankruptcy proceedings, you might have the option to negotiate with your creditors for a partial reduction of your outstanding balance.

How do I legally discharge my credit card debt?

Filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy can discharge or restructure your credit card debt, regardless of the statute of limitations. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, most credit card debt is eliminated, freeing you from the obligation to repay.

Does the US government have a debt relief program?

Key Takeaways. There aren't any free government debt relief programs for credit card or personal loan debt other than bankruptcy. Many types of government debt relief exist in the form of grants and low-interest loans for specific purposes.

Is credit card settlement a good idea?

Going through debt settlement becomes a serious negative mark on your credit history, one that will drop your credit score and affect how you borrow money soon. Going through debt settlement means you didn't pay off your debts in full at the time they were due.

What is the Debt Forgiveness Act?

Updated September 5, 2019 — The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act of 2007 generally allows taxpayers to exclude income from the discharge of debt on their principal residence. Debt reduced through mortgage restructuring, as well as mortgage debt forgiven in connection with a foreclosure, qualify for this relief.

What percentage will a credit card company settle for?

What Is A Good Settlement Offer For A Credit Card? A fair settlement offer typically falls between 30% and 50% of the total amount owed. However, it's imperative to note that this can vary based on several factors, including how delinquent the account is.

What is the loophole of credit card debt?

The "credit card debt loophole" refers to certain strategies people use to minimize or eliminate credit card debt. Common methods that fall under this umbrella include: Transferring debt to cards with low or 0% interest rates for a promotional period.

How long before a debt becomes uncollectible?

Most states or jurisdictions have statutes of limitations between three and six years for debts, but some may be longer. This may also vary depending, for instance, on the: Type of debt. State where you live.

Is writing off debt a good idea?

Good practice

Creditors should consider writing off unsecured debts when mental health conditions are long-term, hold out little likelihood of improvement, and are such that it is highly unlikely that the person in debt would be able repay their outstanding debts.

How to negotiate credit card debt settlement yourself?

How to negotiate credit card debt
  1. Confirm how much you owe. ...
  2. Review your options. ...
  3. Call your credit card issuer. ...
  4. Outline your terms. ...
  5. Take detailed notes and follow up if needed. ...
  6. Get the agreement in writing.

What is a credit card hardship program?

A credit card hardship program is a financial arrangement that allows those facing such situations to negotiate more manageable payments on outstanding credit card debt. The specifics of a hardship program depend on your credit card issuer and your financial position.

How to ask for debt forgiveness?

The borrower can apply for debt forgiveness on compassionate grounds by writing about the financial difficulties and requesting the creditor to cancel the debt amount.

Are there government grants to pay off debt?

Keep in mind that the government doesn't offer grants to help Americans pay off consumer debt from things like credit cards. It does, however, offer financial support for Americans struggling with a range of tough financial situations.

How can I get rid of my credit card debt without paying it back?

Outside of bankruptcy or debt settlement, there are really no other ways to completely wipe away credit card debt without paying. Making minimum payments and slowly chipping away at the balance is the norm for most people in debt, and that may be the best option in many situations.

Can a credit card company legally sell your debt?

The short answer is yes, credit card companies have the legal right to sell delinquent accounts to third-party debt buyers. This practice is explicitly permitted under federal law and regulated by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and other consumer protection statutes.

When can a credit card debt be written off?

Typically, a credit card company will write off a debt when it considers it uncollectable. In most cases, this happens after you have not made any payments for at least six months. However, each creditor has a different process for determining whether a debt is uncollectable.

Is freedom debt relief legit?

Freedom Debt Relief is a legitimate debt settlement company founded in 2002. It's accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) with an A+ rating and holds an accreditation from the American Association for Debt Resolution (AADR).

What is the debt forgiveness rule?

In simple terms, the debt forgiveness rules apply when a “commercial debt obligation” has been settled for an amount that is less than the full amount owing (i.e., the “forgiven amount”). A commercial debt obligation is generally a debt obligation on which interest, if charged, is deductible in computing income.