Repay your loan at 1% over the next two to five years: If you took out your loan before the passage of the PPP Flexibility Act on June 5, 2020, you have two years to pay off your loan balance. If you took out your loan after that date, you'll have five years.
The Paycheck Protection Program was introduced in April 2020 and offered fully forgivable loans to the self-employed. Since then, changes have been made to make PPP loan forgiveness for the self-employed easier to obtain.
The PPP limits compensation to an annualized salary of $100,000. For sole proprietors or independent contractors with no employees, the maximum possible PPP loan is therefore $20,833, and the entire amount is automatically eligible for forgiveness as owner compensation share.
Basically, PPP loans issued before June 5, 2020, must be paid back in two years, and loans issued after that must be paid back in five years. No collateral or personal guarantees were required for the loan and no fees were charged to small businesses by the banks or credit unions providing the loans.
You'll need to apply for forgiveness within 10 months of the last day of your covered loan period to be eligible for loan forgiveness. To apply for loan forgiveness, you should first check if your lender has opted-in to the new SBA PPP Direct Forgiveness Portal.
PPP borrowers are eligible for forgiveness in an amount equal to the sum of their eligible expenses during their chosen 8-week to 24-week Covered Period. To be considered for full forgiveness, borrowers must use at least 60% of their loan proceeds on payroll costs.
It is illegal to make false statements to a financial institution, so if you were to lie on a PPP loan, you could be charged with this federal crime. This act is criminalized under section 1014 and if convicted, you can face quite a hefty fine along with imprisonment for up to 30 years.
However, if the business cannot pay the full amount, the lender will foreclose on the collateral pledged by the business. Your business assets may not have much value. In that case, the lender will abandon the collateral. Now the lender will ask you to pay the amount due based on the personal guarantee you signed.
Wire Fraud: If you used a device, like telephone, internet, etc, to defraud an institution in order to gain funds from a PPP loan – you can be convicted of wire fraud. Penalties for wire fraud can include a prison sentence up to 20 years, and in addition – restitution to anyone impacted.
Unlike other SBA loans, PPP loans are designed to be partially or fully forgivable, meaning you won't have to pay them back as long as you follow certain rules. Here are a few key facts about the first round of PPP loans: Qualified businesses could receive 2.5 times their average monthly payroll costs up to $10 million.
The SBA and the US Treasury have released a new forgiveness application for borrowers with Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans less than $50,000. In addition to simplifying the application, a borrower can receive forgiveness for their loan even if they have laid off employees since receiving their PPP loan.
Similar to independent contractors, you are a sole proprietor or self-employed person and can use your PPP loan to cover wages, income, and net earnings for you as an individual, again capped at that $100,000 per employee in annual earnings.
Your PPP loan may be audited to ensure funds were used for their intended purpose. All loans over $2 million will be fully audited, while spot checks will be performed on smaller loans.
PHOENIX, Ariz. – A local area man was sentenced Thursday to 48 months in prison and ordered to pay over $2.2 million in restitution for fraudulently obtaining millions of dollars in Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans and Economic Injury Disaster Loans.
Was ineligible for the PPP loan amount received or used the PPP loan proceeds for unauthorized uses. Is ineligible for PPP loan forgiveness in the amount determined by the lender in its full or partial approval decision issued to SBA.
WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU MISS THE APPLICATION DEADLINE. If you don't apply for loan forgiveness within 10 months after the last day of your covered period, you'll be required to start making payments to your PPP lender at 1 percent interest, which started accruing when the loan was made.
Cheating the Small Business Administration (SBA) out of this stimulus money is a federal felony. It carries potential prison time, fines, and repayment of the loan.
First Draw PPP Loan If You Have No Employees
(If you are using 2020 to calculate payroll costs and have not yet filed a 2020 return, fill it out and compute the value.) If this amount is over $100,000, reduce it to $100,000. If both your net profit and gross income are zero or less, you are not eligible for a PPP loan.
As such, we are not able to accept PPP loans for your business into your personal or joint checking accounts. If a PPP loan from the Small Business Association or a secondary lending agency is deposited into your account, your checking account may be closed and the funds may be returned to their source.
The SBA says that if you're an individual with self-employment income, you can qualify for a PPP Loan as a sole proprietor as long as you filed or will file a Form 1040 Schedule C for 2020, and your principal place of residence is in the United States.
In short, Paycheck Protection Program loan forgiveness is not automatic. You must submit a request to for loan forgiveness through the lender through which you applied for your PPP loan OR if your loan is for $150K or less and your lender has opted-in, through the SBA's new SBA PPP Direct Forgiveness Portal.
“When a PPP lender opts-in to the direct borrower forgiveness process, the Platform will provide a single secure location for all of its borrowers with loans of $150,000 or less to apply for loan forgiveness through the Platform using the electronic equivalent of SBA Form 3508S,” the SBA wrote in its interim final rule ...
For each individual employee, the total amount of cash compensation eligible for forgiveness may not exceed $100,000, as prorated for the Covered Period. Count payroll costs that were both paid and incurred only once.
Any interest paid on mortgage on property used for business purposes is an eligible expense that the PPP can be used for, and qualifies for forgiveness. Acceptable examples include: Mortgage interest on a warehouse you own to store business equipment. Auto loan interest on a car you own to make business deliveries.