Depending on the remaining amount, this can cause one to be asset-ineligible. This means the individual is not eligible for Medicaid until the “excess” assets (the assets over Medicaid's asset limit) are “spent down”. California is the only state without an asset limit (eff. 1/1/24).
The inheritance should not affect survivor's benefits, since receipt of that benefit is determined by age & relationship to the deceased wage earner, not income, resources or disability.
Although an inheritance won't affect your Medicare benefits, it could raise your premiums in the short-term. Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people aged 65 or older, some younger people with disabilities, or people with end-stage renal disease (ESRD).
It can be considered property and needs to meet spent down requirements. Eff July, 2022 property limit for 1 person is 130,000 in California for MediCal recipients.
If you save any of the lump sum payment into the months after you received it, and it pushes your resources above the Medicaid resource limit, you can be held liable to repay Medicaid for services you receive in all the months you are over the resource limit.
However, an attorney may be able to help you set up a trust or another vehicle for your settlement to minimize the impact it has. For example, a special needs trust or a Medicaid asset protection trust (MAPT) may shelter the funds from counting as income.
If your total savings (including the inheritance) exceed certain thresholds, you may lose eligibility for means-tested benefits.
If you received a gift or inheritance, do not include it in your income. However, if the gift or inheritance later produces income, you will need to pay tax on that income. Example: You inherit and deposit cash that earns interest income. Include only the interest earned in your gross income, not the inherited cash.
The state of California has made it easier for Californians to apply for help paying Medicare costs. On January 1, 2024, the asset test to qualify for a Medicare Savings Program was eliminated. This means individuals can have any amount of assets and still qualify for a Medicare Savings Program.
Typically, the estate will pay any estate tax owed, with the beneficiaries receiving assets from the estate free of income taxes (see exception for retirement assets in the chart below). As a beneficiary, if you later sell or earn income from inherited assets, there may be income tax consequences.
Many people worry about the estate tax affecting the inheritance they pass along to their children, but it's not a reality most people will face. In 2025, the first $13,990,000 of an estate is exempt from federal estate taxes, up from $13,610,000 in 2024. Estate taxes are based on the size of the estate.
Other states, such as California and Texas, prohibit Estate Recovery after the surviving spouse dies. The only exception is if the surviving spouse was also a Medicaid recipient.
While Medicaid cannot attempt Estate Recovery if there is a surviving spouse, some states will attempt to collect after the death of the surviving spouse, while other states will not. California and Texas are two states that prohibit Estate Recovery after the death of the non-Medicaid spouse.
However, receiving an inheritance won't affect Social Security and SSDI benefits. SSI is a federal program that pays benefits to U.S. citizens who are over age 65, blind or disabled and who have limited income and resources.
Inheritance checks are generally not reported to the IRS unless they involve cash or cash equivalents exceeding $10,000. Banks and financial institutions are required to report such transactions using Form 8300. Most inheritances are paid by regular check, wire transfer, or other means that don't qualify for reporting.
Therefore, inheritances do not impact eligibility, and no reporting requirements exist for inheritances or assets received. Before assuming an inheritance will forfeit your benefits, check which program you receive—SSI or SSDI.
Generally, beneficiaries do not pay income tax on money or property that they inherit, but there are exceptions for retirement accounts, life insurance proceeds, and savings bond interest. Money inherited from a 401(k), 403(b), or IRA is taxable if that money was tax deductible when it was contributed.
Deposit the money into a safe account
Your first action to take when receiving a lump sum is to deposit the money into an FDIC-insured bank account. This will allow for safekeeping while you consider how to make the best use of your inheritance. The maximum coverage for each FDIC-insured account is $250,000.
As an initial matter, you are correct that your inheritance may affect your eligibility for SSI/SSDI and/or Medi- Cal/Medicare. As a recipient of government benefits, you may not have more than $2,000 in assets before your eligibility for government benefits will be affected.
This is done by the person dealing with the estate (called the 'executor', if there's a will). Your beneficiaries (the people who inherit your estate) do not normally pay tax on things they inherit. They may have related taxes to pay, for example if they get rental income from a house left to them in a will.
Special needs trusts help you to manage inheritance money so it won't count toward income-based benefits like Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The money in special needs trusts must pay for expenses your government benefits don't cover.
For example, if an injury victim receives a lump sum settlement payment, it may be counted as income for the month in which it is received. This could potentially push the person's income above the Medicaid eligibility threshold for that month, which could result in the loss of Medicaid benefits for that month.
Some states, like New York and Illinois, allow you to keep significantly more assets, and other states, like Connecticut, less. California is the only state that doesn't have an asset limit for Medicaid, starting in 2024.