How do I allow someone else to discuss my tax return with the IRS?

Asked by: Prof. Davon Conroy  |  Last update: February 23, 2025
Score: 4.1/5 (67 votes)

File Form 8821 to: Authorize any individual, corporation, firm, organization, or partnership you designate to inspect and/or receive your confidential information verbally or in writing for the type of tax and the years or periods listed on the form.

What does I will allow someone else to discuss this return with the IRS mean?

This lets the IRS discuss your return with the person you designate, even if they're not a tax professional.

How do I authorize someone to speak to the IRS on my behalf?

Joint filers must execute their own separate power of attorney on Form 2848. If you want to allow a person to receive your tax information, but don't want this person to represent you before the IRS, you can use Form 8821, Tax Information Authorization; refer to Topic no. 312 for more information.

How do I file a third party authorization with the IRS?

You can use Form 8821 to allow the IRS to discuss your tax matters with designated third parties and, where necessary, to disclose your confidential tax return information to those designated third parties on matters other than just the processing of your current tax return.

Can someone else talk to the IRS for me?

The IRS will request paperwork to prove that you are legally designated to call on someone else's behalf.

Identity Theft on your Tax return... What to do.

23 related questions found

What is the best way to speak to a live person at the IRS?

For individual tax returns, call 1-800-829-1040, 7 AM - 7 PM Monday through Friday local time. The wait time to speak with a representative may be long. This option works best for less complex questions. For questions about a business tax return, call 1-800-829-4933, 7 AM - 7 PM Monday through Friday local time.

Who gets audited by the IRS the most?

Businesses that show losses are more likely to be audited, especially if the losses are recurring. The IRS might suspect that you must be making more money than you're reporting—otherwise, why would you stay in business? Most likely to be audited are taxpayers reporting small business losses.

What can a third party designee discuss with the IRS?

Third Party Designee – Designates a person on the taxpayer's tax form to discuss that specific tax return and tax year with the IRS. Oral Disclosure – Authorizes the IRS to disclose the taxpayer's tax info to a person the taxpayer brings into a phone call or meeting with the IRS about a specific tax issue.

Who qualifies as an authorized third party?

Authorized Third Parties means any entity that is authorized by a Party or its Affiliates to exercise any legal rights or to perform any activities with respect to a Party's products or services, including original equipment manufacturers, integrators, distributors, resellers, customers, partners, contractors, ...

What is an authorization to speak on someone's behalf?

What is an Authorization Letter. An authorization letter is a written document that grants someone the power to act on your behalf. It is commonly used when you are unable to personally attend to a specific task or when you want to delegate certain responsibilities to another person.

What is the IRS consent for third party contact?

Instructions for Form 2624, Consent for Third Party Contact

If you are unable to acquire the information, you may request the IRS to contact the financial institution, employer, or payer on your behalf. For the IRS to take these actions, we require your consent.

How do I Authorise my tax agent?

If you're not sure what role you have, see Get started .
  1. Step 1: Set up your Digital ID. ...
  2. Step 2: Link your Digital ID to your ABN. ...
  3. Step 3: Log in to Online services for business. ...
  4. Step 4: Nominate your authorised agent in Online services for business. ...
  5. Step 5: Let your agent know you have nominated them.

Who can legally ask for your tax return?

In some limited situations return information can be disclosed without the taxpayer's consent. These include court subpoenas or valid requests from legislative oversight committees.

Can someone explain taxes to me?

Taxes are money collected to fund government operations and public services. Before income taxes were introduced, the U.S. government relied mainly on import taxes, called tariffs, to raise revenue. Today, Americans pay several types of taxes, including income, property, sales, excise, capital gains and estate taxes.

Can the IRS release tax information to a third party?

In general, the IRS may not disclose your tax information to third parties unless you give us permission. (Example: You request that we disclose information for a mortgage or student loan application.)

How do I get permission to speak to the IRS?

File Form 8821 to: Authorize any individual, corporation, firm, organization, or partnership you designate to inspect and/or receive your confidential information verbally or in writing for the type of tax and the years or periods listed on the form. Delete or revoke prior tax information authorizations.

Who can talk to the IRS on my behalf?

You can grant a third party authorization to help you with federal tax matters. The third party can be a family member or friend, a tax professional, attorney or business, depending on the authorization.

How does third party authorization work?

A third party authorization form says to your mortgage company that you allow a third party to receive information about you and your mortgage. It may allow the third party to take actions for you. There is no single form used by every mortgage company.

Who is considered a third party person?

A third party is an entity that isn't directly involved in a business deal or legal issue but has a minor role in the situation.

Do you want to allow another person to discuss this return?

In the return, open the PREP screen. Select Y from the drop list Allow another person to discuss this return with IRS, Enter the third party designee information, including: First Name – If not entered, EF Message 0767 generates.

Who does the IRS consider a related party?

Generally, and for this purpose (disallowance of a loss), the IRS defines related parties to be [Code Section 267(b)]: The seller's immediate family: brothers or sisters (whole or half-blood), spouses, ancestors, and lineal descendants. In-laws are not considered members of the seller's family.

Should you allow the IRS to discuss your tax return with your preparer?

No. The IRS, by federal law, is strictly prohibited from sharing taxpayer return information with any third party except with taxpayer consent or in circumstances specifically authorized by Congress. These regulations affect only tax return information in the hands of tax preparers.

What raises red flags with the IRS?

Another easily avoidable audit red flag is rounding or estimating dollar amounts on your tax return. Say, for instance, you round $403 of tip income to $400, $847 of student loan interest to $850, and $97 of medical expenses to $100. The IRS is going to see all those nice round numbers and think you're making them up.

What income level gets audited the most?

The two groups most likely to get audited are those earning more than $10 million and taxpayers who claim the Earned Income Tax Credit, who tend to be low- or middle-income workers.

What is most likely to trigger an IRS audit?

Large changes of income

Probably one of the main IRS audit triggers is a large change of income.