How do you know if Social Security is investigating you?

Asked by: Timothy Weber  |  Last update: March 8, 2024
Score: 4.1/5 (55 votes)

Typically, when the SSA decides to start an investigation, they will have an investigator follow you at your Consultative Exam. The people who follow you are not police officers. The reason the SSA may spy on you at your Consultative Exam is that they know you will be at the exam.

Does Social Security have people watch you?

The Social Security Administration may decide to spy on you if they think that you may be committing a criminal act, such as fraud, or if they believe that you are no longer disabled. Typically, they will conduct a Continuing Disability Review.

What triggers a Social Security review?

The law requires that we review your case from time to time to verify that you are still disabled. Generally, if your health hasn't improved, or if your disability still keeps you from working, you'll continue to receive your benefits.

How long does it take for Social Security to investigate?

Generally, it takes about three to five months to get a decision. However, the exact time depends on how long it takes to get your medical records and any other evidence needed to make a decision. How does Social Security make the decision? We send your application to a state agency that makes disability decisions.

Does Social Security monitor my bank account?

However, the Social Security Administration also monitors this bank account to track your balances and assess legibility for Social Security disability insurance. The SSA wants to stay updated regarding your money, income, assets, and other forms of resource.

How The SSA CDI Investigators Surveil You

31 related questions found

How much money can you have in the bank while on Social Security?

An SSI lawyer at Liner Legal can help you to determine how much of an effect monthly income will have on your SSI benefits. Resources, including bank deposits, cannot exceed a total value of $2,000 for one person and $3,000 for couples who are married and residing together.

What happens if you have more than $2000 in the bank on SSI?

If the value of your resources that we count is over the allowable limit at the beginning of the month, you cannot receive SSI for that month. If you decide to sell the excess resources for what they are worth, you may receive SSI beginning the month after you sell the excess resources.

What happens if you get caught lying to Social Security?


shall be fined not more than $25,000 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both. (b) For civil monetary penalties for certain submissions of false claims, see section 1128A of this Act.

How often does Social Security review your case?

If medical improvement is: Expected, we'll normally review your medical condition within 6 to 18 months after our decision. Possible, we'll normally review your medical condition about every 3 years. Not expected, we'll normally review your medical condition about every 7 years.

What is Social Security investigation?

The Office of Investigations conducts criminal investigations into allegations of fraud and misconduct related to SSA programs, operations, and employees. The office works closely with federal, state, and local law enforcement partners.

What are the three ways you can lose your Social Security?

Social Security: 4 Ways You Can Lose Your Benefits
  • You Forfeit Up To 30% of Your Benefits by Claiming Early. ...
  • You'll Get Less If You Claim Early and Earn Too Much Money. ...
  • The SSA Suspends Payments If You Go To Jail or Prison. ...
  • You Can Lose Some of Your Benefits to Taxes. ...
  • You Can Lose SSDI in a Few Different Ways.

Should I worry about a Social Security review?

Should I Worry about a Continuing Disability Review? Generally, you should not worry about a Continuing Disability Review if you're still disabled and can not work. However, if your disability has improved or resolved entirely, the SSA may terminate your disability benefits.

How do I pass my Social Security review?

7 Tips on How to Pass a Continuing Disability Review
  1. Follow Your Treatment Protocol. ...
  2. Learn More About Your Condition. ...
  3. Be Honest With Your Doctor. ...
  4. Answer the Short Form Honestly. ...
  5. Keep Copies of Your Medical Records. ...
  6. Inform the SSA of Any Change in Address. ...
  7. Hire an Experienced Social Security Disability Lawyer.

Does SSI spy on people?

The SSA does conduct surveillance activities on their beneficiaries. In fact, the law requires that SSDI and SSI beneficiaries should be subjected to periodic reviews to determine their eligibility. So, being monitored by the SSA doesn't necessarily mean you're suspected of fraud.

Does SSDI send out investigators?

The Social Security Administration doesn't conduct investigations as often as private insurance carriers do. However, if the SSA receives a report that a claimant isn't disabled—or not eligible for disability benefits—they might conduct SSDI investigations or surveillance.

Why would an investigator come to my house?

To Ask You Questions

One of the most frequent reasons FBI agents come to your residence is to interview you as part of an ongoing investigation. This could be because: You are a witness who may have useful information. You are associated with someone under investigation.

What happens when SSI reviews your case?

An examiner from Social Security will request medical information from your doctors and your medical provider and will review all information that is appropriate to your case. If the medical evidence you provide isn't up to date then an exam may be requested.

What is the most approved disability?

What Is the Most Approved Disability? Arthritis and other musculoskeletal system disabilities make up the most commonly approved conditions for social security disability benefits. This is because arthritis is so common. In the United States, over 58 million people suffer from arthritis.

What disqualifies you from Social Security?

Some American workers do not qualify for Social Security retirement benefits. Workers who don't accrue the requisite 40 credits (roughly 10 years of employment) are not eligible for Social Security. Some government and railroad employees are not eligible for Social Security.

Can you go to jail for lying to SSI?

shall be fined under title 18, United States Code, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both, except that in the case of a person who receives a fee or other income for services performed in connection with any determination with respect to benefits under this title (including a claimant representative, translator, or ...

Can you go to jail for not paying back SSI?

The first sanction period is a withholding of payments for six months. Subsequent sanction periods are for 12 months and then 24 months. If you intentionally withhold information to continue to receive payments, you may face criminal prosecution. Criminal penalties can include fines and imprisonment.

How does Social Security know I'm in jail?

The jail or prison should report to Social Security that you are there and your expected release date. It's still a good idea to tell Social Security in advance yourself, if you can. If Social Security does not know you are in jail or prison, they may keep sending your checks.

What is the $1000 rule for SSI?

If the recipient requests a waiver or reconsideration and the amount of the original overpayment (not the outstanding overpayment balance) is $1,000.00 or less, we administratively discontinue waiver development unless, from the facts apparent on the face of the waiver or reconsideration request, we believe there is an ...

Does owning a car affect SSI?

To put it simply, resources are the things you own. If you have too many resources than it is possible that you will not be qualified for SSI benefits. Under the SSA rules, one car will not count against you. In other words, you are allowed to own one vehicle without it counting as one of your resources.

Can someone on SSI be gifted a car?

If you don't have any ownership value in a car, it won't count toward your resource limit. However, someone giving you a car as a gift will count as income in the month you received it.