How long does it take for an underwriter to make a decision?

Asked by: Alanis Goodwin  |  Last update: August 24, 2023
Score: 4.9/5 (15 votes)

Depending on these factors, mortgage underwriting can take a day or two, or it can take weeks. Under normal circumstances, initial underwriting approval happens within 72 hours of submitting your full loan file. In extreme scenarios, this process could take as long as a month.

How long can underwriting process take?

Underwriting—the process by which mortgage lenders verify your assets, check your credit scores, and review your tax returns before they can approve a home loan—can take as little as two to three days. Typically, though, it takes over a week for a loan officer or lender to complete the process.

Why is the underwriter taking so long?

Underwriters often request additional documents.

Underwriters often request additional documents during this stage, including letters of explanation from the borrower. It's another reason why mortgage lenders take so long to approve loans.

Is no news good news during underwriting?

When it comes to mortgage lending, no news isn't necessarily good news. Particularly in today's economic climate, many lenders are struggling to meet closing deadlines, but don't readily offer up that information. When they finally do, it's often late in the process, which can put borrowers in real jeopardy.

How long does it take underwriter to clear to close?

Final Underwriting And Clear To Close: At Least 3 Days

Once the underwriter has determined that your loan is fit for approval, you'll be cleared to close. At this point, you'll receive a Closing Disclosure.

How long does it take for the underwriter to make a decision?

22 related questions found

How often do loans get denied in underwriting?

How often do underwriters deny loans? Underwriters deny loans about 9% of the time. The most common reason for denial is that the borrower has too much debt, but even an incomplete loan package can lead to denial.

How do I know if my mortgage will be approved?

You'll have the best chances at mortgage approval if:
  1. Your credit score is above 620.
  2. You have a down payment of 3-5% or more.
  3. Your existing debts are low.
  4. You've had a stable job and income for at least two years.

Do underwriters want to approve loans?

An underwriter will approve or reject your mortgage loan application based on your credit history, employment history, assets, debts and other factors. It's all about whether that underwriter feels you can repay the loan that you want. During this stage of the loan process, a lot of common problems can crop up.

What should you not do during underwriting?

Tip #1: Don't Apply For Any New Credit Lines During Underwriting. Any major financial changes and spending can cause problems during the underwriting process. New lines of credit or loans could interrupt this process. Also, avoid making any purchases that could decrease your assets.

Can a lender override an underwriter?

An override occurs when a decision made concerning a loan transaction falls outside of loan policy. Overrides can be policy exceptions for: Underwriting (approval or denial) or. Terms and conditions (such as pricing).

How many days before closing do you get mortgage approval?

How many days before closing do you get mortgage approval? Federal law requires a three-day minimum between loan approval and closing on your new mortgage. You could be conditionally approved for one to two weeks before closing.

How long does final approval take?

Approximate Overall Loan Timeline: 30 Days

In general, it should take about 30 days from accepted offer through the date your loan closes. As a reminder, this is just a general timeline; the process can be faster or slower. There may be circumstances that change your timeline.

Who actually approves a mortgage?

Step 2: Be patient with the review process.

Once you've submitted your application, a loan processor will gather and organize the necessary documents for the underwriter. A mortgage underwriter is the person that approves or denies your loan application.

How long does it take an underwriter to approve a mortgage?

Depending on these factors, mortgage underwriting can take a day or two, or it can take weeks. Under normal circumstances, initial underwriting approval happens within 72 hours of submitting your full loan file. In extreme scenarios, this process could take as long as a month.

Should I be worried about underwriting?

There's no reason to worry or stress during the underwriting process if you get prequalified – keep in contact with your lender and don't make any major changes that have a negative impact.

How far back do underwriters look?

How far back do mortgage lenders look at bank statements? Generally, mortgage lenders require the last 60 days of bank statements. To learn more about the documentation required to apply for a home loan, contact a loan officer today.

Do underwriters look at spending habits?

Lenders look at various aspects of your spending habits before making a decision. First, they'll take the time to evaluate your recurring expenses. In addition to looking at the way you spend your money each month, lenders will check for any outstanding debts and add up the total monthly payments.

How often do mortgages get declined?

According to a report in The Guardian, one in six homeowners had been refused a home loan in the past, so it is a situation that is very common. The process of applying for a mortgage and the criteria requirements can be confusing if you don't have much knowledge on the subject.

What is considered a red flag in a loan application?

High Interest Rate:

The most obvious Red Flag that you are taking a personal loan from the wrong lender is the High Interest Rate. The rate of interest is the major deciding factor when choosing the lender because personal loans have the highest interest rates compared to other types of loans.

Is underwriting the last step?

No, underwriting is not the final step in the mortgage process. You still have to attend closing to sign a bunch of paperwork, and then the loan has to be funded. The underwriting process itself can be smooth or “bumpy,” depending on your financial situation.

What comes after underwriting?

What Happens After my Mortgage Loan is Underwritten? Once your loan goes through underwriting, you'll either receive final approval and be clear to close, be required to provide more information (this is referred to as “decision pending”), or your loan application may be denied.

What happens after underwriting is approved?

Your mortgage process is fully complete only when the lender funds the loan. This means the lender has reviewed your signed documents, re-pulled your credit, and made sure nothing changed since the underwriter's last review of your loan file. When the loan funds, you can get the keys and enjoy your new home.

Who is the fastest mortgage lender?

LoanDepot is offering what may be the fastest quick-closing mortgage in the race. Their new product, mello smartloan, an end-to-end digital mortgage, offers qualified borrowers a home loan in as few as eight days, a feat that seems almost impossible to long-time players in the real estate industry.

Do lenders pull credit day of closing?

Q: Do lenders pull credit day of closing? A: Not usually, but most will pull credit again before giving the final approval. So, make sure you don't rack up credit cards or open new accounts.