How long does it take most people to complete the FAFSA?

Asked by: Joanny Parker  |  Last update: January 24, 2025
Score: 4.4/5 (47 votes)

This includes grants, scholarships, work-study funds, and loans. How long will it take? It takes most people less than one hour to fill out the FAFSA form, including gathering any personal documents and financial information needed to complete it.

What is the average time to complete the FAFSA?

Most people take less than an hour to complete and submit a new Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form. This includes gathering any needed documents or data, completing and reviewing the application, and reading the important information on the "Confirmation" page.

What is the #1 most common FAFSA mistake?

Some of the most common FAFSA errors are: Leaving blank fields: Too many blanks may cause miscalculations and an application rejection. Enter a '0' or 'not applicable' instead of leaving a blank. Using commas or decimal points in numeric fields: Always round to the nearest dollar.

How long does it usually take for FAFSA to process?

It typically takes 3–5 days to process a 2023–24 FAFSA form that was submitted electronically. The student can check the status of their FAFSA form immediately after submitting it online. The U.S. Department of Education processes a paper FAFSA form within 7–10 days from the date it was mailed.

What are the odds of getting FAFSA aid?

When you file the FAFSA, you have an 85% chance of receiving some type of aid.

3 FAFSA secrets to help you get the most financial aid

17 related questions found

What salary is too high for FAFSA?

What income is too high for FAFSA? There is no income that is too high to file a FAFSA. No matter how much you make, you can always submit a FAFSA. Eligibility for need-based financial aid increases as the cost of attendance increases, so even a wealthy student might qualify for financial aid at a higher-cost college.

What is the average amount FAFSA gives?

Federal Student Aid data shows that approximately 17.8 million FAFSAs were submitted during the 2020-21 application cycle. Over the last decade, the average grant aid per full-time undergraduate student has doubled, going from $5,190 in 2001 to $10,590 in 2021.

How fast can you get FAFSA?

If you submitted your FAFSA form online, we'll process your form within one to three days. If you submitted a paper FAFSA form, your form will be processed within 7 to 10 days.

How will I know if my FAFSA was approved?

To check the status of your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form, do the following: Log in to check the status of your FAFSA form. Find your application status under “My Activity,” which displays after you log in if you've started or completed a FAFSA form.

Why is my financial aid taking so long?

If you are a first-year, first time federal student loan borrower, you will likely have a longer delay in receiving your financial aid. There is a 30-day delay from the first day of classes, before some schools will be able to pull these funds for these specific students.

Is filling out FAFSA hard?

Filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form can be a straightforward and easy process. Below are some tips to help you along the way.

What not to put on FAFSA?

Students should not just leave the section blank. Put something there like “0” or “N/A” because too many blank spaces could cause the FAFSA to be rejected. Too often students mistype or miswrite an answer. Social security numbers (SSN), parent marital status, and nicknames are three of the most frequent pitfalls.

What is considered poor for FAFSA?

Despite common misconceptions, there are no income limits for eligibility through Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). From 2017-2018 to 2021-2022, the number of applicants for federal student aid in the United States decreased from 18.97 million to 17.53 million.

Why is my FAFSA taking so long to process in 2024?

Why is the 2024-2025 FAFSA delayed? The latest delay for the 2024-2025 FAFSA is the result of errors in updating the indexing formula for the Student Aid Index (SAI), a figure used to determine how much aid students qualify for.

How long until I get my FAFSA money?

Financial aid funds will typically start to disburse (meaning post to your tuition and fees account balance) 10-14 days after the “Last day to drop with a refund” for your latest starting classes.

How long does FAFSA take to complete?

This includes grants, scholarships, work-study funds, and loans. How long will it take? It takes most people less than one hour to fill out the FAFSA form, including gathering any personal documents and financial information needed to complete it.

How do I know how much money FAFSA will give me?

To see your aid, log in to your account using your account username and password combination (also called your FSA ID). Select “View Details” in the My Aid section of your account Dashboard. You can view your loan types and servicer(s) for each loan under the Loan Breakdown section of the My Aid page.

Is FAFSA first come first serve?

It's best to apply as close to the opening date, October 1, as possible. Federal Student Aid, the government provider of student financial assistance in the US, hands out grants, loans, and more on a “first-come, first-served” basis, meaning there's more money to work with at the very start of a new FAFSA cycle.

How do I know if my FAFSA is approved?

Check the status of your form by logging in to your account and selecting your FAFSA submission from the “My Activity” section of your account Dashboard. If you submitted a paper FAFSA form, you can check its status after it has been processed (roughly 7–10 days from the date mailed).

What is the timeframe for FAFSA?

The FAFSA application season typically starts on October 1, and the FAFSA deadline is typically June 30, or the end of the academic year, whichever comes first. The FAFSA deadline for the 2024-2025 academic year is June 30, 2025.

What gets you the most FAFSA money?

  • File Early.
  • Minimize Your Taxable Income.
  • Clarify Who Owns Your Assets.
  • Don't Assume You Won't Qualify.
  • FAFSA Isn't the Whole Picture.
  • FAQs.
  • The Bottom Line.

Can FAFSA cover full tuition?

Depending on your year in school, your status and your financial need, it's possible that you can get enough financial aid to cover the entire cost of your attendance. However, in many cases, there are limits.

What is the average monthly payment for FAFSA?

Average Student Loan Payments

As of May 30, 2023, the average monthly payment for federal student loans was estimated to be about $500 per month when adjusted for inflation. However, the final number depends on the type of loan, loan amount, interest rates, and repayment plan.