They are typically processed in one to two weeks after discharge is complete. It may take longer to get your refund depending on processing times in other parts of the government. Payments made to a prior servicer may take more time to process. Learn more about the PSLF process.
However, if you're seeking a refund from MOHELA, you can expect the first check to arrive within 90 business days, and the rest within 60 days. Also note that you'll likely receive multiple refund checks rather than a single refund.
Once it's approved, it would typically take 4-6 weeks for the Department of Education to process the refund.
Log in to your account. From your Dashboard, navigate to “My Aid.” Select “View Details” to open your My Aid page, then scroll down to PSLF/TEPSLF Payment Progress. Select “View Details” for further payment information.
Loans serviced by MOHELA? If you faxed or mailed your PSLF form to MOHELA it may take up to 14 days for your account to note that the form was received. Please allow at least 90 business days for your form to be processed.
Like loan forgiveness itself, refunds resulting from forgiveness through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program are not taxable. However, if you owe the federal government another debt such as unpaid child support or unpaid taxes, your refund may be offset.
Why did my college send me a check? A refund check is money that is directly deposited to you by your college. It is the excess money left over from your financial aid award after your tuition and additional fees have been paid. Your college may send you a check or the money may be deposited into your checking account.
Processing typically takes about 30 days from the date you submit the request. Please note we're experiencing processing delays based on volume.
What does paid in full by consolidation mean? Paid in full by consolidation in student loan terms means that multiple loans have been combined into one larger loan — typically with improved repayment terms, such as more flexible repayment options, lower monthly payments, or greater loan forgiveness opportunities.
Online: 2-4 business days from the payment processing date to post. However, the payment will be effective the date your payment was scheduled. Phone: 2-4 business days from the payment processing date to post. However, the payment will be effective the date your payment was scheduled.
If you file a complete and accurate paper tax return, your refund should be issued in about six to eight weeks from the date IRS receives your return. If you file your return electronically, your refund should be issued in less than three weeks, even faster when you choose direct deposit.
Once you request a student loan refund, there will be a wait before you receive your money. The refunds aren't automatic because loan servicers need to process refund requests through the Department of Education.
Don't forget to submit the PSLF form with your employment certification every year. If your PSLF form is approved for forgiveness, then you'll be notified that the entire remaining balance of your eligible Direct Loans will be forgiven, including all outstanding interest and principal.
After you've reached 120 payments and all other PSLF requirements are met, you must request forgiveness of your remaining loan balance using the PSLF form. After this request is made, a final review of your account will be performed to process forgiveness, which will take about 60 business days.
You can check the status of your borrower defense case by logging in to your account. Or you can contact Borrower Defense Customer Support at 1-855-279-6207.
How long does it take for MOHELA to respond to PSLF? MOHELA takes up to 14 days to acknowledge receipt of your PSLF form and at least 90 business days to process it. Factors like loan transfers and application volume can extend this period.
Hard to say for certain due to several variables, but where I work the refunds are typically issued within 5 to 10 business days (usually 5). After that, it depends on if you have set up electronic refund or if it will be a paper check.
IDR plans may offer lower payments because they are based on your income and family size. Payments can be as low as $0 per month, depending on your circumstances.
If your qualifying payment total is at 120 or more, your account is eligible to be placed into forbearance and no payment is due. If you continue making payments, any overpayments will be refunded if you have no additional outstanding loans. To find out your forbearance status, log in to your account.
If you have already received forgiveness or paid off your loans, you are not eligible for a refund of prior payments.
To check on the status of financial aid being disbursed (paid out) to you or your account, check with your college or career school's financial aid office.
No. According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), student loan amounts forgiven under PSLF or TEPSLF aren't considered income for tax purposes.
The student loan tax offset program resumed in 2024. If you have federal student loans in default, your 2025 tax refund may be at risk.