Since your interest is calculated on your remaining loan balance, making additional principal payments every month will significantly reduce your interest payments over the life of the loan. By paying more principal each month, you incrementally lower the principal balance and interest charged on it.
Making your normal monthly payments will pay down, or amortize, your loan. However, if it fits within your budget, paying extra toward your principal can be a great way to lessen the time it takes to repay your fixed-rate loan and the amount of interest you'll pay. Related topics: Homeownership.
Is There a Best Time Within the Month to Make an Extra Payment to Principal? Yes, the best time within the month to make an extra payment is the last day on which the lender will credit you for the current month, rather than deferring credit until the following month.
Regardless of the amount of funds applied towards the principal, paying extra installments towards your loan makes an enormous difference in the amount of interest paid over the life of the loan. Additionally, the term of the mortgage can be drastically reduced by making extra payments or a lump sum.
The advantage of paying extra principal versus bi-weekly mortgage payments is slight. The extra principal plan offers more flexibility and lower costs. There are no fees involved when extra principal is added to a normal monthly mortgage payment.
The additional amount will reduce the principal on your mortgage, as well as the total amount of interest you will pay, and the number of payments. The extra payments will allow you to pay off your remaining loan balance 3 years earlier.
Okay, you probably already know that every dollar you add to your mortgage payment puts a bigger dent in your principal balance. And that means if you add just one extra payment per year, you'll knock years off the term of your mortgage—not to mention interest savings!
Paying additional principal on your mortgage can save you thousands of dollars in interest and help you build equity faster. There are several ways to prepay a mortgage: Make an extra mortgage payment every year. Add extra dollars to every payment.
In this scenario, an extra principal payment of $100 per month can shorten your mortgage term by nearly 5 years, saving over $25,000 in interest payments. If you're able to make $200 in extra principal payments each month, you could shorten your mortgage term by eight years and save over $43,000 in interest.
Throwing in an extra $500 or $1,000 every month won't necessarily help you pay off your mortgage more quickly. Unless you specify that the additional money you're paying is meant to be applied to your principal balance, the lender may use it to pay down interest for the next scheduled payment.
Paying extra on your auto loan principal won't decrease your monthly payment, but there are other benefits. Paying on the principal reduces the loan balance faster, helps you pay off the loan sooner and saves you money.
But then there are the downsides as well. Some mortgages come with a “prepayment penalty.” The lenders charge a fee if the loan is paid in full before the term ends. Making larger monthly payments means you may have limited funds for other expenses.
While 15-year mortgages do have some advantages, especially when it comes to paying less overall interest, the higher monthly payments may be difficult for most borrowers to swallow. However, if you do end up with a 30-year mortgage, it's a good idea to try to make extra payments on your loan each year if you can.
The truth is, if you can scrape together the equivalent of one extra payment to put toward your mortgage each year, you'll take, on average, four to six years off your loan. You'll also save tens of thousands of dollars in interest payments.
Adding Extra Each Month
A 30 year mortgage (360 months) can be reduced to about 24 years (279 months) – this represents a savings of 6 years!
So, for this example you would type =PMT(. 05/12,60,200000). The formula will return $3,774. That's the monthly payment you need to make if you want to pay off your home mortgage of $200,000 at 5% over five years.
Well, mortgage payments are generally due on the first of the month, every month, until the loan reaches maturity, or until you sell the property. So it doesn't actually matter when your mortgage funds – if you close on the 5th of the month or the 15th, the pesky mortgage is still due on the first.
Just paying an extra $50 per month will shave 2 years and 7 months off the loan and will save you over $12,000 in the long run. If you can up your payments by $250, the savings increase to over $40,000 while the loan term gets cut down by almost a third. The savings can be substantial.