What are the 4 phases of an audit process?

Asked by: Ms. Beverly Barrows MD  |  Last update: February 9, 2022
Score: 4.9/5 (74 votes)

Although every audit process is unique, the audit process is similar for most engagements and normally consists of four stages: Planning (sometimes called Survey or Preliminary Review), Fieldwork, Audit Report and Follow-up Review. Client involvement is critical at each stage of the audit process.

What are the phases of audit process?

Audit engagements are performed in three general phases: planning, fieldwork & review, and reporting.

What are the 5 phases of an audit?

Internal audit conducts assurance audits through a five-phase process which includes selection, planning, conducting fieldwork, reporting results, and following up on corrective action plans.

Which is the 4 steps in accepting an audit engagement?

Each audit engagement is unique, but most share the basic steps of preparation, planning, field testing, and audit procedures, as well as subsequently rendering the audit opinion.

What are the four steps of an audit quizlet?

4 Phases of an Audit
  • Planning and design audit approach.
  • Understatnding Internal Controls and testing controls and transactions.
  • Test details of balances and analytical procedures (substantive tests)
  • Issue an audit report based upon professional judgement.

The Audit Process

16 related questions found

What is the first stage of an audit?

Stages of an Audit

The first stage is the planning stage. In this stage, a corporation engages with the auditing firm to establish details, such as the level of engagement, procedures, and objectives. The second stage is the internal controls stage.

What is the first step in the audit planning process?

Audit Process
  1. Step 1: Planning. The auditor will review prior audits in your area and professional literature. ...
  2. Step 2: Notification. ...
  3. Step 3: Opening Meeting. ...
  4. Step 4: Fieldwork. ...
  5. Step 5: Report Drafting. ...
  6. Step 6: Management Response. ...
  7. Step 7: Closing Meeting. ...
  8. Step 8: Final Audit Report Distribution.

What is audit planning process?

The Annual Audit Planning process involves: 1) Identifying potential audit projects; 2) Risk assessing potential projects by applying a pre-defined methodology; 3) Prioritizing potential projects by risk; 4) Calculating available resources; and 5) Preparing an annual audit plan for approval.

What is the process of audit engagement?

Audit engagement consists of several steps that basically revolve around planning, substantiation, control testing and finalization. ... After this, the auditor prepares a final audit report and may also request the client to fill a survey form to better understand his/her performance.

What are substantive audit procedures?

Substantive procedures in auditing are processes or methods that auditors use in order to find or prevent miscalculations in financial records. Substantive procedures often provide a record of some financial activity that alerts professionals that the activity is happening and documents it for further review.

How many stages are in the audit cycle?

The diagram above shows the five stages as a cycle, and this represents the ongoing nature of audit and continual re-audit to assess that standards continue to be met.

What are the 3 stages of an audit?

The Audit Process can be divided into three distinct phases each of which consist of an interrelated set of procedures necessary to conduct an effective audit:
  • Pre-audit Phase (or planning phase)
  • Audit Phase (or auditing phase)
  • Post-audit Phase (or reporting phase)

What is accounting audit process?

An accounting audit is the process of examining a company's entire financial situation, with an emphasis on ensuring compliance with relevant reporting standards, and promoting adequate cash handling policies and internal controls.

What are the steps to audit a company?

Steps to do an Audit Process of a Company
  1. You should be Clear about Your Mission. ...
  2. Evaluate Your Mission. ...
  3. Identify Potential Errors. ...
  4. Develop a Strategy. ...
  5. Inform the Organization. ...
  6. Check All the Outgoing Payment Validity. ...
  7. Keep a Check on All the Company Deposits. ...
  8. Review all Financial Statements.

What is included in an audit strategy checklist?

There are five sections to every audit checklist: scope, evidence collection, audit tests, analysis of results and conclusion. The term audit checklist is used to describe a document that is created during the audit planning stage.

How do you prepare an audit checklist?

How to Prepare a Checklist for an Audit
  1. Sketch out the main subject headings for the audit checklist to help paint a picture of the necessary pieces of an audit. ...
  2. Place management topics under the "Management" subject heading. ...
  3. Place topics and functions related to financial operations under the "Finance" subject heading.

How do I do an audit checklist?

6 Steps for Creating an Audit Checklist
  1. Step 1: Separate the Checklist into Three Different Categories. ...
  2. Step 2: Know Where You Should be Getting Your Sources of Information. ...
  3. Step 3: Know What You Have to Look for Under “Management” ...
  4. Step 4: Look Into the Financial Aspect. ...
  5. Step 5: Assess the Business's Operations.

What are the 14 steps of auditing?

The 14 Steps of Performing an Audit
  • Receive vague audit assignment.
  • Gather information about audit subject.
  • Determine audit criteria.
  • Break the universe into pieces.
  • Identify inherent risks.
  • Refine audit objective and sub-objectives.
  • Identify controls and assess control risk.
  • Choose methodologies.

What are the 7 principles of auditing?

7 Principles for Reliable Audits
  • Integrity. The foundation of professionalism.
  • Fair Presentation. The obligation to report truthfully and accurately.
  • Due Professional Care. The application of diligence and judgment in auditing.
  • Confidentiality. ...
  • Independence. ...
  • Evidence-based approach. ...
  • Risk-based approach.

What are the steps to conduct a financial audit?

Six steps to an effective financial audit
  1. Review internal reporting systems. ...
  2. Check and evaluate data storage procedures. ...
  3. Review accounting systems and processes. ...
  4. Gauge the current threats of fraud and risk. ...
  5. Compare internal and external records. ...
  6. Examine tax returns, reports and records.

Which phase of the audit is a walkthrough performed in?

A walk-through test is a procedure used during an audit of an entity's accounting system to gauge its reliability. A walk-through test traces a transaction step-by-step through the accounting system from its inception to the final disposition.

What is clinical audit cycle?

The main stages of the clinical audit process are: 1) Selecting a topic. 2) Agreeing standards of best practice (audit criteria). 3) Collecting data. 4) Analysing data against standards.

What is the cycle approach to segmenting an audit?

A common form of segmenting is called the cycle approach, which divides classes of transactions and account balances that are closely related into segments.

How long is the audit process?

Audits are typically scheduled for three months from beginning to end, which includes four weeks of planning, four weeks of fieldwork and four weeks of compiling the audit report. The auditors are generally working on multiple projects in addition to your audit.

How many clinical audit stages are there?

The five step approach to clinical audit. Resources required to support clinical audit.