Running up $50,000 in credit card debt is not impossible. About two million Americans do it every year. Paying off that bill?
35% or less: Looking Good - Relative to your income, your debt is at a manageable level. You most likely have money left over for saving or spending after you've paid your bills. Lenders generally view a lower DTI as favorable.
Around 23% of Americans are debt free, according to the most recent data available from the Federal Reserve. That figure factors in every type of debt, from credit card balances and student loans to mortgages, car loans and more. The exact definition of debt free can vary, though, depending on whom you ask.
The average cardholder owes about $8,000 on their credit cards and the total amount of credit card debt nationwide surged past $1.17 trillion in late 2024, marking the highest level ever recorded and representing a troubling acceleration of an ongoing trend.
High-interest credit card debt can devastate even the most thought-out financial plan. U.S. consumers carry $6,501 in credit card debt on average, according to Experian data, but if your balance is much higher—say, $20,000 or beyond—you may feel hopeless.
The average FICO credit score in the US is 717, according to the latest FICO data. The average VantageScore is 701 as of January 2024.
The Standard Route is what credit companies and lenders recommend. If this is the graduate's choice, he or she will be debt free around the age of 58. It will take a total of 36 years to complete. It's a whole lot of time but it's the standard for a lot of people.
So, for the purposes of the study, Bank of America set a threshold — households spending at least 90% of their income on necessities could be considered living paycheck to paycheck. By that measure, around 30% of American households are living paycheck to paycheck, according to Bank of America's internal data.
Net worth is the difference between the values of your assets and liabilities. The average American net worth is $1,063,700, as of 2022. Net worth averages increase with age from $183,500 for those 35 and under to $1,794,600 for those 65 to 74. Net worth, however, tends to drop for those 75 and older.
You may notice slight variations between different lenders' calculations of DTI, but generally, these amounts are considered debt: Monthly housing costs, including a mortgage, insurance, homeowners' association fees and property taxes. Rent payments. Home equity loans or lines of credit.
If your monthly income is $2,500, your DTI ratio would be 64 percent, which might be too high to qualify for some credit cards. With an income of roughly $3,700 and the same debt, however, you'd have a DTI ratio of 43 percent and would have better chances of qualifying for a credit card.
There are some differences around how the various data elements on a credit report factor into the score calculations. Although credit scoring models vary, generally, credit scores from 660 to 724 are considered good; 725 to 759 are considered very good; and 760 and up are considered excellent.
According to Experian, average total consumer household debt in 2023 is $104,215. That's up 11% from 2020, when average total consumer debt was $92,727.
According to the Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) for 2022 (the most recent study released publicly), the average savings balance for people ages 64 and younger ranged from $20,540 to $72,520, with median balances ranging from $5,400 to $8,700.
Only 18% of individual Americans make more than $100,000 a year, according to 2023 data from careers website Zippia. About 34% of U.S. households earn more than $100,000 a year, according to Zippia.
One reason the authors of the analysis offer in their report is that “higher-income households may have bought larger, more expensive, homes and consequently have bigger mortgages. And often along with bigger homes come bigger insurance costs, property taxes and utility bills.”
"Shark Tank" investor Kevin O'Leary has said the ideal age to be debt-free is 45, especially if you want to retire by age 60. Being debt-free — including paying off your mortgage — by your mid-40s puts you on the early path toward success, O'Leary argued.
By the time you reach your 40s, you'll want to have around three times your annual salary saved for retirement. By age 50, you'll want to have around six times your salary saved.
Even better, just over 1 in 5 people (21.2%) have an exceptional FICO credit score of 800 or above, all but guaranteeing access to the best products and interest rates.
While older models of credit scores used to go as high as 900, you can no longer achieve a 900 credit score. The highest score you can receive today is 850. Anything above 800 is considered an excellent credit score.
Key Takeaways. Your credit score is a major factor in whether you'll be approved for a car loan. Some lenders use specialized credit scores, such as a FICO Auto Score. In general, you'll need at least prime credit, meaning a credit score of 661 or up, to get a loan at a good interest rate.