What is the magic formula score?

Asked by: Flavio Marquardt  |  Last update: March 10, 2025
Score: 4.4/5 (21 votes)

Calculating the Magic Formula Enterprise Value is calculated as Market Cap + Debt - Cash. Return on Capital measures how effectively a company uses its money (capital and debt) to generate returns. To calculate the Magic Formula score, you separately rank all stocks by EBIT/EV.

How do you calculate the magic formula?

This is how the two Magic Formula investing ratios are calculated: Return on invested capital (ROIC) = EBIT / (net working capital + net fixed assets). Earnings yield = EBIT / Enterprise value.

What is the magic formula method?

The magic formula is a stock-picking strategy based on two financial metrics: earnings yield and return on capital (ROC). The strategy focuses on buying good companies at bargain prices, similar to Warren Buffett's approach, but Greenblatt simplifies the process into an easy-to-follow method.

What is the magic formula rank?

Stockopedia explains Magic Formula Score

An overall ranking for each stock is created by combining the rank of a company's Return on Capital vs the market (its quality) with the rank of its Earnings Yield (its cheapness).

What were the results of the magic formula backtest?

Joel Greenblatt's Magic Formula Findings

When backtested on the largest 1,000 U.S. stocks (over $1 billion market cap; to avoid small-cap bias), the Magic Formula returned 22.9% annually, outperforming the equally weighted average of this 1,000-stock universe (11.7%) by 11.2% annually.

If I Wanted to Become a Millionaire In 2025, I'd Do This

33 related questions found

What are the metrics of the magic formula?

The magic formula investing strategy is based on a simple principle: buy good companies at good prices. It uses two key financial metrics to identify these companies: return on capital (ROC) and earnings yield (EY).

How accurate is backtesting?

Limited data quality: Backtesting relies on historical data, and the quality and accuracy of the data used can have a significant impact on the results. Data may contain errors, gaps, or other inconsistencies, which can distort the backtest results and lead to inaccurate conclusions about the strategy's performance.

What is the number one rule of magic?

Never reveal the secret of an effect

You are more popular as a magician when the audience does not know how it is done. There is simply no benefit or gain in sharing the secret, in fact it kills the magic and you will not be able to perform the effect again to the same audience.

What is the magic formula spell card?

The Magic Formula card is a Secret Rare with a foil finish, making it a great addition to any collection. It features the English language and has a unique Card Identification Number (CIN) of 67227834. This Spell card is perfect for players looking to add some extra magic to their decks.

How do you use the ranking formula?

It works the same way as RANK but is more explicitly named to clarify its behavior with ties in data.
  1. Syntax. RANK.EQ(number,ref,[order]) number: The number whose rank you are calculating. ...
  2. Syntax. RANK.AVG(number, ref, [order]) number: The number to rank. ...
  3. Using RANK. EQ: In cell B1, if you input =RANK. ...
  4. Using RANK. AVG:

What is a magic formula?

The magic formula is a simple, rules-based system designed to bring high returns within reach of the average investor. By following a simple, algorithmic approach, the magic formula allows investors to easily identify outperforming or undervalued companies, without letting emotions or instinct cloud their judgment.

What is the 1 2 3 magic method?

1-2-3 Magic divides the parenting responsibilities into three straightforward tasks: controlling negative behavior, encouraging good behavior, and strengthening the child-parent relationship. The program seeks to encourage gentle, but firm, discipline without arguing, yelling, or spanking.

Does Joel Greenblatt's magic formula work?

When Joel Greenblatt introduced the Magic Formula, he revealed something remarkable: this strategy averaged a 33% return per year over 16 years. That's more than double the market's return! These results weren't a fluke. They reflected a core truth about investing—focusing on quality and value works.

What is the magic formula for success?


In a nutshell, it is your 'Attitude' which determines success. You can achieve only what you think you can achieve. The attitude towards life – the strength of character of getting up after a fall, dusting yourself and starting afresh once again – determines how successful you become.

What is the magic number formula?

You can calculate the magic number for your SaaS business by subtracting the last quarter's annual recurring revenue (ARR) from the current quarter's ARR and dividing by your total customer acquisition cost (CAC) (your total sales and marketing spend) from the previous quarter.

What is the most rarest magic card?

In the world of Magic cards, Black Lotus is at the very peak of collectability and value. With only 1,008 cards printed in the Alpha set and 3,025 in Beta, this extreme rarity drives the card value sky high.

What is the Magic number function?

Magic numbers are common in programs across many operating systems. Magic numbers implement strongly typed data and are a form of in-band signaling to the controlling program that reads the data type(s) at program run-time. Many files have such constants that identify the contained data.

Is every card in Magic a spell?

A card is only a spell when it is on the stack; in most other zones it is simply a card, or a permanent when on the battlefield. All card types other than lands are types of spells; even permanent cards are normally cast as spells before becoming permanents.

What is the rule of 78 Magic rule number?

For a one year loan, the total number of digits is equal to 78, which explains the term the Rule of 78. For a two year loan, the total sum of the digits would be 300. With the sum of the months calculated, the lender then weights the interest payments in reverse order applying greater weight to the earlier months.

What is the rule of 40 and magic number?

The Rule of 40 is like a compass for your business. It helps you chart a course to success. It's a fairly simple equation, combining your company's growth rate and profit margin or cash flow. The magic number you're aiming for is 40.

How long should you test a trading strategy?

When you are backtesting a strategy on a higher timeframe, you will have to go back 6 to 12 months. Ideally, you want to end up with 30 to 50 trades in your backtest to get a meaningful sample size. Anything below 30 trades does not have enough explanatory power.

What are the disadvantages of backtesting?

Disadvantages of backtesting

Because the outcome of backtesting relies on a simulation, it's subject to biases. Investors can manipulate the data to achieve a desirable result, without realizing they're doing it. It's important to create the strategy before having access to the data to avoid this bias.

Is 100 trades enough for backtesting?

The bigger the sample is the smaller the margin of error, but usually a sample date of 200 trades should be sufficient. If your trading system generates enough trades, then you should use 500 – 600 trades.