District of Columbia residents have the nation's highest average federal student loan debt at $54,795 per borrower.
Adults with a postgraduate degree are especially likely to have a large amount of student loan debt. About a quarter of these advanced degree holders who borrowed (26%) owed $100,000 or more in 2023, compared with 9% of all borrowers. Overall, only 1% of all U.S. adults owed at least $100,000.
1. Medical Professionals (Doctors and Surgeons) Medical professionals consistently top the list of careers with the highest student loan debt. Reason for debt: Lengthy education (4 years of undergraduate studies, 4 years of medical school, plus residency and possibly fellowship).
Black adults are more than twice as likely than white adults to have student loan debt. The following graph includes federal and private student loan debt among all adults. On average, Black adults in the U.S. also hold higher student loan debt balances than borrowers of other races.
Due to racial wealth disparities, most Black and Latino college students come from low-income backgrounds and can count on only a fraction of the financial support. Over half (56 percent) of the students who attend public two- and four-year institutions in California come from families that earn under $40,000 annually.
Higher percentages of Black (88 percent) and American Indian/Alaska Native (87 percent) students received grants than students who were of Two or more races (79 percent), White (74 percent), and Asian (66 percent).
Dentists' debt-to-income ratios worse than other health workers. Though school debt consistently exceeded income for healthcare occupations -- except for physicians -- between 2017 and 2022, dentists had the highest debt-to-income ratios. The study was published in the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education.
The Qualtrics/Intuit Credit Karma report found 20 percent of borrowers hadn't made any payments on their loans.
Student loan debt
Young people are more likely to have student loan balances: 24.3% of millennials and 20.2% of Gen Z are in student debt, compared to 14.9% of Gen X, 6.1% of boomers and only 1.4% of the silent generation. But among those who have student loan debt, Gen X owes the most, on average.
Parents are the most common cosigners for student loans, but they're not the only ones. A relative, family friend, or creditworthy adult can cosign as long as they meet the lender's cosigner eligibility requirements.
Billionaire Robert F. Smith pledged to pay off student loans for every member of Morehouse College's graduating class. The Ivy League-educated business leader made his fortune investing in software firms and other tech companies.
Due to escalating tuition and easy credit, the U.S. has 101 people who owe at least $1 million in federal student loans, according to the Education Department.
64% of all student loan debt belongs to women. The average student debt for women in the U.S. is $31,726. Women have a median annual salary of $56,170 following college graduation, which is 26% of what men can expect to earn following graduation.
Who owns the most U.S. debt? Around 70 percent of U.S. debt is held by domestic financial actors and institutions in the United States. U.S. Treasuries represent a convenient, liquid, low-risk store of value.
The best example can be taken from Hong Kong (it is a one of the debt free countries), whose economy has the least debt to GDP ratio. It is an almost debt free country. It has a well-regulated financial system and large foreign reserves.
1. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Topping the list, being a CEO gets you the highest paying job in the world, no matter where you work. A CEO is the highest-ranked position in any organisation's structure.
U.S. poverty rate in the United States 2023, by race and ethnicity. In 2023, 17.9 percent of Black people living in the United States were living below the poverty line, compared to 7.7 percent of white people. That year, the total poverty rate in the U.S. across all races and ethnicities was 11.1 percent.
Four years after graduation, black students owe an average of 188% more than white students borrowed. Black and African American student borrowers are the most likely to struggle financially due to student loan debt making monthly payments of $260.
The 2023 median incomes of Hispanic ($65,540) and Black ($56,490) households were not statistically different from 2022 and remained the lowest among all race and ethnic groups. Median income of Asian households did not change either but it remained the highest ($112,800) among all race and Hispanic origin groups.