The lowest-liability states—Arizona, Idaho, Nebraska, Tennessee, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming—owe less than 3 percent of GDP. The highest-liability states—Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey, and Vermont—owe more than 20 percent of GDP.
Reason Foundation finds California has twice the total liabilities of any other state. California had $498 billion in total liabilities at the end of fiscal year 2022.
Adults with a postgraduate degree are especially likely to have a large amount of student loan debt. About a quarter of these advanced degree holders who borrowed (26%) owed $100,000 or more in 2023, compared with 9% of all borrowers. Overall, only 1% of all U.S. adults owed at least $100,000.
A $30,000 private student loan can cost approximately $159.51 per month to $737.38 per month, depending on your interest rate and the term you choose. But, you may be able to cut your cost by comparing your options, improving your credit score or getting a cosigner.
The monthly payment on a $70,000 student loan ranges from $742 to $6,285, depending on the APR and how long the loan lasts. For example, if you take out a $70,000 student loan and pay it back in 10 years at an APR of 5%, your monthly payment will be $742.
On average, it takes about 10–20 years to pay off a student loan.
Who has the most student loan debt by race? Black adults are more likely to have student loan debt than those in other racial or ethnic groups. They are more likely than white adults to hold student debt at every level of educational attainment.
The Qualtrics/Intuit Credit Karma report found 20 percent of borrowers hadn't made any payments on their loans.
The average student borrower takes 20 years to pay off their student loan debt. 43% of borrowers are on the standard 10 years or less plan with fixed payments. Some professional graduates take over 45 years to repay student loans.
Japan and China have been the largest foreign holders of US debt for the last two decades. From 2000 to 2023, annual totals are based on data from December, while the 2024 data is updated through April.
China's gross external debt in 2023 was $2.38 trillion.
Public debt, which accounts for roughly 80% of the total, is owed to investors. Those investors include foreign governments, mutual funds, pension funds, and individuals among others. The Federal Reserve owns part of this public debt. Intragovernmental debt accounts for the other 20%.
Black women owe a disproportionate amount of student debt. They hold 43% more undergraduate debt and nearly 99% more graduate school debt than their white woman counterparts 12 months after graduation, according to an April 2022 study by the nonprofit organization The Education Trust.
Student loan deferment and forbearance
If you are having trouble paying back your student loans, you may qualify for: Loan deferment - Payments are postponed. In most cases, the interest money you owe will continue to accrue (grow).
Average Student Loan Payments
As of May 30, 2023, the average monthly payment for federal student loans was estimated to be about $500 per month when adjusted for inflation. However, the final number depends on the type of loan, loan amount, interest rates, and repayment plan.
64% of all student loan debt belongs to women. The average student debt for women in the U.S. is $31,726. Women have a median annual salary of $56,170 following college graduation, which is 26% of what men can expect to earn following graduation.
Whether your family is rich, poor, or somewhere in between, you can take advantage of student loans provided by the US government. These loans (known as Federal Loans, Direct Loans or Stafford Loans) offer lower rates and more flexible payback options than you can find from almost any other source.
Higher percentages of Black (88 percent) and American Indian/Alaska Native (87 percent) students received grants than students who were of Two or more races (79 percent), White (74 percent), and Asian (66 percent).
That's what makes living with student loan debt so challenging. For example, if you have a $100,000 loan balance with a 7% interest rate and a 10-year repayment term, you'll owe $39,330 in interest payments over the life of the loan. So your $100,000 loan becomes $139,330, with monthly payments of $1,161.
On average, people with student loans have spent just over 21 years paying back their loans. Federal student loans offer repayment plans that last from 10 to 30 years. Private student loan repayment terms vary.