Once you pay off a car loan, you may actually see a small drop in your credit score. However, it's normally temporary if your credit history is in decent shape – it bounces back eventually. The reason your credit score takes a temporary hit in points is that you ended an active credit account.
Any credit score drop is likely to be minimal
As soon as the account was updated to "paid loan" on my credit, my FICO® Score dropped by 4-6 points, depending on which of the three credit bureaus I checked. To be clear, every situation is different.
Credit utilization — the portion of your credit limits that you are currently using — is a significant factor in credit scores. It is one reason your credit score could drop a little after you pay off debt, particularly if you close the account.
In some cases, paying off your car loan early can negatively affect your credit score. Paying off your car loan early can hurt your credit because open positive accounts have a greater impact on your credit score than closed accounts—but there are other factors to consider too.
Paying off a car loan early can save you money — provided there aren't added fees and you don't have other debt. Even a few extra payments can go a long way to reducing your costs. Keep your financial situation, monthly goals and the cost of the debt in mind and do your research to determine the best strategy for you.
Once you've paid off your loan, your lien should be satisfied and the lien holder should send you the title or a release document in a reasonable amount of time. Once you receive either of these documents, follow your state's protocol for transferring the title to your name.
Paying off your loan sooner means it will eventually free up your monthly cash for other expenses when the loan is paid off. It also lowers your car insurance payments, so you can use the savings to stash away for a rainy day, pay off other debt or invest.
Lenders typically report the account at the end of its billing cycle, so it could be as long as 30 to 45 days from the time you pay the account off until you see the change on your credit report.
Since your credit card likely charges higher interest rates than your car loan, it's a good idea to pay off your credit card debt first. Credit cards have variable interest rates.
Paying off your loan sooner means it will eventually free up your monthly cash for other expenses when the loan is paid off. It also lowers your car insurance payments, so you can use the savings to stash away for a rainy day, pay off other debt or invest.
When you pay off a loan, the account will be updated to show that it has been paid in full. Your credit report will retain the account's payment history, however. If there were late payments on the account, they'll remain on your credit report for seven years, at which time they will be automatically removed.
Lenders typically report the account at the end of its billing cycle, so it could be as long as 30 to 45 days from the time you pay the account off until you see the change on your credit report.