Do financial advisors make 6 figures?

Asked by: Prof. Marley Price  |  Last update: February 27, 2025
Score: 4.6/5 (15 votes)

According to Indeed, the high-end salary for financial advisors is $146,228. Given that you can earn six figures a year as a financial advisor, you may be wondering how to become one.

Can you make 7 figures as a financial advisor?

Financial Advisors, as well as people from virtually any profession, can make millions of dollars per year but it is definitely not the norm. While possible, there are (in my estimate) only probably 100-200 financial advisors who take home more than $2mm per year.

Can financial advisors make a lot of money?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for personal financial advisors was $94,170 in May 2021. It means half of the financial advisors earned more than that, and half earned less. One in ten earned less than $47,570, while one in ten made more than $208,000. A fun fact!

Can financial advisors make $500,000 a year?

It is not uncommon for advisors with 20+ years of experience to make well over $500k per year. I personally know of several who make $1+ million. That kind of personal income is across the board: wirehouse or independent. Many times this can be more when managing a team of advisors.

How much can a financial advisor make you with 100k?

Oftentimes, financial advisors require minimum investment thresholds so that 1% fee can cover their costs to manage your money. After all, 1% of a $100,000 minimum means they only earn $1,000 in a year from your account.

How Much Money Financial Advisors Make

33 related questions found

Can financial advisors make 300k?

Around 60%, or the majority, of financial advisors with more than five years of experience will earn over $100,000 annually and up to $300,000. At the higher end, $300,000, puts the advisor in the top 10% of household income in the United States, which is not bad at all.

Do most millionaires have a financial advisor?

In addition, millionaires are much more likely to work with a financial advisor (69%), more than double the amount of the general population (33%).

What is the highest paid financial advisor?

High Paying Financial Planner Jobs
  • Investment Consultant. Salary range: $97,500-$155,000 per year. ...
  • Senior Wealth Advisor. ...
  • Finance Advisor. ...
  • Portfolio Manager. ...
  • Private Wealth Advisor. ...
  • Certified Financial Planner. ...
  • Financial Planning Consultant. ...
  • Wealth Management Client Relationship Consultant.

What is considered high net worth for financial advisors?

Financial service providers regard a HNW client as someone with at least $1 million in liquid – or investable – financial assets. Clients with assets between $5 and $30 million are considered VHNW, while UHNW clients have assets greater than $30 million.

Are financial advisors worth 1%?

On average, financial advisors charge between 0.59% and 1.18% of assets under management for their asset management. At 1%, an advisor's fee is well within the industry average. Whether that fee is too much or just right depends entirely on what you think of the advisor's services and performance.

Can financial advisors make 6 figures?

Financial Advisors Can Make Six Figures a Year: Here's How to Become One. Being a financial advisor is a career with many advantages, including the ability to make a high salary. CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals can earn even more than non-certified financial planners.

How do Edward Jones advisors get paid?

Your financial advisor generally receives between 36% and 40% of the revenue Edward Jones receives from asset- based fees, transactional revenue, ongoing 12b-1 fees, trail commissions, and revenue from premiums generated by activity in your accounts.

How do Merrill Lynch advisors get paid?

Like other brokerage firms, Merrill uses a compensation grid that determines advisor pay based on how much revenue each individual or team generates. For its 2024 comp plan, the company eliminated a policy that had reduced potential pay associated with brokerage transactions and it added two bonuses.

How many Americans make 7 figures?

Introduction to seven figures

Such income levels are rare, with only about 0.3% of Americans earning a million dollars or more per year​.

Is financial advisor a stressful job?

It also takes considerable time and effort to build a clientele and is considered a high-stress job by many, even in the best of times.

Can financial advisors make millions a year?

A $2 million income puts you in the less than 1% category of advisors—of all private wealth industry professionals—and everyone. To be clear, we're talking about income, not revenue. It's the money you take home after all expenses, including reinvesting in your advisory business.

Can you make 300k as a financial advisor?

In our professional experience, achieving an annual income of $300,000 is a realistic target for financial advisors, particularly when leveraging a combination of fee structures, effective AUM growth strategies, and commission-based earnings.

What net worth is considered upper class?

The top 10% of earners have an average net worth of $2.65 million. Even if you're squeaking into the upper class (the 80-90% range), you're looking at about $793,000. Moving down to the middle class, things get a bit more varied. The upper-middle class folks have an average net worth of around $300,800.

Do the wealthy use a financial advisor?

Vast majority of wealthy individuals have a financial advisor, with two thirds saying they need more than one to manage their affairs. A recent study from Bank of America Private Bank reveals a strong majority of the country's richest individuals have a financial advisor – and most even have a team in their corner.

How many millionaires have a financial advisor?

Seek professional advice

Of high-net-worth individuals, 69 percent work with a financial advisor. Compare that to just 33 percent in the general population.

Why do financial advisors make so much money?

Commissions. In this type of fee arrangement, a financial advisor makes their money from commissions. Advisors earn these fees when they recommend and sell specific financial products, such as mutual funds or annuities, to a client. These are often payable in addition to the above client fees.

Where do millionaires keep their money if banks only insure 250k?

Millionaires don't worry about FDIC insurance. Their money is held in their name and not the name of the custodial private bank. Other millionaires have safe deposit boxes full of cash denominated in many different currencies.

Is 1% too high for a financial advisor?

Most financial advisors charge 1 percent of the AUM. A fee higher than this may be considered too high for many individuals, as it represents a significant portion of the investment returns and can impact the overall growth of the portfolio.

How rich do you need to be to have a financial advisor?

Many people seek the guidance of a financial advisor before hitting the $1M mark. For example, if you have $250,000 or more in investable assets and feel behind on your financial planning and tax planning, it may be wise to seek professional guidance.