Novena for the Dead - Day 9
Dear Lord, we praise Your divine justice and Your plan for the purification of souls. We come before You today to pray for the dead who are awaiting entrance into heaven. We know that we are to pray for the souls of all who have died.
The word Novena is rooted in the Latin word for nine. The practice of the novena is based in early Christianity, where Masses were held for nine days with devotional prayers for the deceased.
novena, in Christianity, a term designating a spiritual devotion consisting of the recitation of a set form of prayer for nine consecutive days, in petition for a divine favour or in preparation for a liturgical feast or as participation in an important event such as a Year of Jubilee.
For Orthodox Christians, the 9th day after death is especially significant, as it is believed to be the day when the soul is judged for its earthly actions. Prayers and memorial services are held on this day, offering spiritual support to the soul.
After the burial, a Novena was traditionally performed for nine days, symbolizing the nine months that a person was in the mother's womb. These traditions are still performed in the small villages of Mexico, where wakes are still held in the homes of the family of the deceased.
Nine night is a separate event to the funeral itself. It's like the Irish wake and takes place nine days after the death of the person. You have a celebration of their life at the point at which their spirit traditionally leaves the body. It's a Jamaican practice with roots in an African tradition.
Ninth Day:
I bring lukewarm souls into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart. In this fire of Your pure love, let these tepid souls, who, like corpses, filled You with such deep loathing, be once again set aflame.
In the Coptic Christian and Ethiopian Christian tradition, these seven canonical hours are known as the First Hour (Prime [6 am]), the Third Hour (Terce [9 am]), the Sixth Hour (Sext [12 pm]), the Ninth Hour (None [3 pm]), the Eleventh Hour (Vespers [6 pm]), the Twelfth Hour (Compline [9 pm]), and the Midnight office [ ...
In the New Testament, we read that, following Christ's Ascension into heaven, his disciples remained in the upper room in prayer for nine days while awaiting the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Acts 1:1-14).
There are four general stages of putrefaction: Putrefaction (4-10 days after death) – Autolysis occurs and gases (odor) and discoloration starts. Black putrefaction (10-20 days after death) – exposed skin turns black, bloating collapses and fluids are released from the body.
The funeral rite itself is known as Antyesti, meaning "last sacrifice." Throughout the ceremony, hymns and chants are offered as final prayers for the departed. These include recitations from the Rig Veda and other sacred texts that honor the transition of the soul.
Buddhists believe when someone dies, their soul is held for 49 days between death and rebirth. Because a soul without a body in a transient state can better accept the law of truth, it can gain enlightenment and move on to the next life.
Eternal rest grant unto him/her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him/her. May he/she rest in peace. Amen. May almighty God bless us with his peace and strength, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Nones, also known as None ("Ninth"), the Ninth Hour, or the Midafternoon Prayer, is a fixed time of prayer of the Divine Office of almost all the traditional Christian liturgies. It consists mainly of psalms and is said around 3 pm (15:00), about the ninth hour after dawn.
The recitation of the Rosary, which lasts about twenty minutes, may be led by a family member or, if desired, by the Priest, Deacon, or Pastor's designee.
A novena is a nine-day prayer that you typically say to a specific saint for a special intention. Some novenas are said in one day, or over nine months, but typically you repeat them over nine consecutive days. Some people add on extra practices like fasting or acts of service to deepen their novena experience!
The Lord's Prayer (9AM)
The number 3 has significant meaning in the Bible, but there is no biblical reference to waking at 3 a.m. Some people say between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. is the dead zone or the witching hour, which again is not Biblically referenced.
Novena for the Anniversary of a Death - Day 9
Dear Lord, we entrust to You the souls of all our faithfully departed loved ones. As the anniversary of death approaches, we offer our prayers to You. We can never fully understand the good You work in our lives through the many blessings You give us.
The Ninth Day.
On the ninth day after death, the Orthodox Church offers prayers for the departed both in remembrance of the living [Apost. Const.} and that the departed soul be counted worthy to be numbered among the choir of the saints, through the prayers and intercessions of the nine ranks of angels.
Friends and family pray for nine days following a death for the release of the departed's soul from Purgatory. Even if they are forgiven, they still may need to do some reparation. If the debt wasn't paid for in this life, it may be done in Purgatory.
The hour of death is a sacred moment because it is a passing from this life to the one promised by the Lord. It marks the end of our earthly pilgrimage and the beginning of our pilgrimage to the kingdom of heaven.
Wearing dark, formal attire, offering condolences to the family.
In Jamaica, there is a celebration called nine night. When a loved one passes, people will gather in someone's yard and celebrate their life for nine nights up until the day of the burial to help say goodbye to the departed as they travel to the afterlife.