Typically, the school first applies your grant or loan money toward your tuition, fees, and (if you live on campus) room and board. Any money left over is paid to you directly for other education expenses.
Despite these benefits, these loans have a few disadvantages, including a lack of subsidized options for graduate students, difficulty qualifying for bankruptcy, and funding limitations.
Generally, there are two types of student loans—federal and private. Federal student loans and federal parent loans: These loans are funded by the federal government. Private student loans: These loans are nonfederal loans, made by a lender such as a bank, credit union, state agency, or a school.
Federal student loans have several benefits when compared to private student loans. Access to income-driven repayment plans: The Department of Education offers several income-driven repayment plans, which can reduce your monthly payment to as little as 10 percent of your discretionary income.
Are Sallie Mae loans better than federal student loans? In general, federal loans are the best first choice for student borrowers. Federal student loans offer numerous benefits that private loans do not.
Check the Federal Student Aid site
Studentaid.gov contains information on all federal student loans. It's the easiest way to determine if your loans are federal and get any loan information you may need. If you don't see your loan information on studentaid.gov, you don't have a federal student loan.
Private student loans are usually only forgiven when the borrower becomes permanently disabled or dies—sometimes not even then. While there are several options for federal student loan cancellation and forgiveness, private programs for cancellation are less common.
There are no income limits to apply, and many state and private colleges use the FAFSA to determine your financial aid eligibility. To qualify for aid, however, you'll also need to submit a FAFSA every year you're in school.
Borrowers must repay their student loans with interest
In general, interest accrues daily on federal student loans, including while a borrower is in default, and interest rates are set each year and fixed for the life of the loan.
Student Loan Interest Deduction
You can take a tax deduction for the interest paid on student loans that you took out for yourself, your spouse, or your dependent. This benefit applies to all loans (not just federal student loans) used to pay for higher education expenses. The maximum deduction is $2,500 a year.
Having student loans doesn't affect whether or not you can get a mortgage. However, since student loans are a type of debt, they impact your overall financial situation – and that factors into your ability to buy a house.
Even the $11,260 average sticker price for in-state tuition might feel out of reach for many students. 1 Fortunately, you can use student loan money to pay for tuition, fees, books, equipment, food and housing, as well as many other school-related expenses.
Can you use student loans to pay for your monthly car payments? While certain transportation expenses are allowed, such as gas, bus fare or train tickets, purchasing a new or used car isn't allowed. This includes making monthly payments on a car you already own.
Many students borrow to fund a portion of their college expenses. Each year, 30 to 40 percent of all undergraduate students take federal student loans; 70 percent of students who receive a bachelor's degree have education debt by the time they graduate.
One of the primary reasons to prioritize federal student loans is because they tend to have lower interest rates. Right now, the average student loan rates range from 6.53% to 9.08% for federal loans, while their private counterparts range from 3.74% to 17.99%.
Sallie Mae is not a federal loan servicer.
When Sallie Mae first formed, it was a government-sponsored enterprise servicing federal student loans — or loans made by the government. But in 2014, it split into two separate companies.
Pay Off High-Interest Loans First
With this approach, you pay off your loans from the highest interest rate to the lowest. You make the minimum payments on each balance except the highest-rate loan. You also make an extra monthly payment based on how much you can put toward the debt.
$57,500 for undergraduates-No more than $23,000 of this amount may be in subsidized loans. $138,500 for graduate or professional students-No more than $65,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans. The graduate aggregate limit includes all federal loans received for undergraduate study.
Navient is a company that services federal and private student loans.
Private student loan funds are usually disbursed (sent) directly to your school's financial aid office. Personal loan funds are deposited directly into the borrower's bank account. Consider consulting with a tax and/or financial advisor to make sure you fully understand the differences.
The average credit score for approved Sallie Mae borrowers is around 748 for undergraduate student loans. That's pretty high – but don't panic if your credit score is much lower than that. You'll need a minimum credit score (or have a cosigner with a minimum credit score) that is somewhere in the mid-600s.